What is important, Exams or Blogs

7:46 AM

With the fact that I’m having exam tomorrow and I have no idea why I am writing this blog, instead of preparing for test. Leave those shit, these test will even ruin my blog (same as it ruined my life), from past few days I’m observing a change in me, that’s instead of spending my time in some shitty site (like orkut, Facebook) or chatting with some slut, I'm make use of it, Please not in studies, In fact in blogging, I like this change, however you take, I think it's effective.

Besides, it’s for sure I’d to think of some excuses, to explain dad that why I didn’t do well in the test, perhaps I don’t know what I want from life or what life wants from me, before a couple a years my aim was pretty clear, but now I guess I was wrong.

Will say you how my test was.


Nashe^ said...

Good luck with it!

Amit Yadav said...

First of all, feel free to steal (as you like to call it) my topics if you want. I mean we both are getting screwed, how different can our lives be. And not just you and me, in the nutshell, everybody's life is just the same..!!
And secondly, dude, if you are getting to chat with some slut then I assure you that in the end you'll definitely it more satisfying than blogging.
Believe me man, between blogging and slut, always choose the slut...

Andhari said...

I do that a lot too, procrastinating and play with blogs and favorite sites. Exams be damned. But dont do what i do :P